Time: 27-28 April 2009
Venue: Zurich, Switzerland
The world is witnessing an ever greater quest for water resources, and a higher value being placed on water. At the same time the global financial crisis has affected public and private sector funding alike. What is the way ahead?
Read more...Time: 28-29 October 2009
Venue: Hotel Sepetna, Ostravice, Czech Republic
This conference's topic is Structural and Regional Impacts of Financial Crises.
Read more...Time: 9-10 September 2009
Venue: Ostrava, Czech Republic
Presentation, discussion and information exchange and development of selected areas in financial management and economy theory.
Read more...Time: 3 June 2009
Venue: Skinners’ Hall, London
As the market meltdown has hit pension fund finances, leading to the reappearance of deficits in some quarters, Financial News/Dow Jones Events are putting together a one-day event to discuss the way pension schemes are governed in the UK, and whether it can be improved.
Read more...Time: 12 May 2009
Venue: Skinners' Hall, London
The 2009 Investing in ETFs conference will explore the most pressing issues concerning this important Asset class. Hear from the leading industry professionals where the industry is headed and which trends and new products are most promising in this ever changing market.
Read more...Time: 2 April 2009
Venue: Whitehall Place, London, United Kingdom
In this volatile economic climate, informed strategic debate is vital if financial institutions, regulators and policymakers are to create a stable and healthy financial system.
Read more...Time: 20 March 2009
Venue: London, United Kingdom
Time: 30-31 March 2009
Venue: London, United Kingdom
Time: 10-11 September 2009
Venue: Basel, Switzerland
Monetary policy, interpreted broadly as encompassing both interest rate policy as well as measures that operate through the central bank balance sheet, was at the forefront of the authorities’ responses to the ongoing financial crisis. All major central banks have cut policy rates, in some cases to levels approaching zero. In addition, central banks have used their balance sheets to address the malfunctioning of money and credit markets, virtually replacing the interbank money market.
Read more...Time: 11-12 March 2009
Venue: TBA, London, UK
A two-day intermediate level workshop on how credit portfolios are managed, modelled and sensitised within Basel II and economic capital frameworks.
Read more...Time: 17-18 March 2009
Venue: Renaissance Hotel, Zurich, Switzerland
The programme coverage at IIR’s 2nd annual Wealth Management & Family Office congress in Zurich has been designed in direct response to the unprecedented financial turmoil in today’s markets.
Read more...Time: 2-5 March 2009
Venue: Millenium Gloucester Hotel, London
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