The European Exchanges Summit 2011
Time: 17-18 October 2011
Venue: London, United Kingdom
The European Exchanges Summit brings together senior executives and thought leaders to discuss and debate the future of the industry in 2012 and beyond.
- How are the MiFID Review and EMIR shaping up and what challenges lie ahead?
- The impact of mergers on the changing competitive landscape: will consolidation overcome fragmentation?
- Searching for transparency in a post-MiFID era: can they reconcile 'best execution' to the demands of dark and lit markets?
- New moves in building a consolidated tape: are they any closer to solving the political and financial questions?
- The role of high-frequency trading strategies in the European marketplace: are they too preoccupied with preventing a 'flash crash'?
- Planning for the future of the post-trade sector: how close are they to realising interoperability?
- How can the industry make the most of new opportunities in the expanding derivatives market?
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