Optimising Outsourcing and Vendor Management in Financial Services

Best practice in managing vendor risk and strategic outsourcing and offshoring

Time: 6-8 November 2013
venue: London, United Kingdom

With financial institutions pushing outsourcing to its limits and regulators turning a keen eye to this development, having a strong and effective supplier management program is more important than ever for banks, asset managers, and insurance companies. Systems and process failures by third parties can have catastrophic consequences for a financial institution’s reputation, making it vital not only to have procedures for vendor risk and management in place, but also ensure that the third parties you are working with actually adhere to them.


  • Hear how to identify and manage the risks accompanying outsourcing in the financial sector
  • Learn what financial regulators are saying about outsourcing governance
  • Discover how major companies are coping in an increasingly regulated environment as financial institutions push the limits of outsourcing
  • Gain a holistic approach to managing vendors through their lifecycle in a financial institution
  • Discuss what organisational structure is the most effective method of managing third party risk in your company
  • And more

For more info http://www.marcusevans-conferences-paneuropean.com/...



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