European Card Acquiring Forum 2009

Time: 17-19 February 2009
Venue: Berlin, Germany

PRLog (Press Release) – Nov 04, 2008 – Empiria Group’s ECAF 2009 is the biggest and most respected card acquiring event in Europe. It aims to repeat the success of the inaugural ECAF 2008 (held in June, Brussels) which attracted more than 200 participants from the entire card acquiring value chain. ECAF 2009 will see a unique calibre of speakers, more participants, brand new topics, attractive venue and extended room for exhibition.

Well structured agenda offers great benefits for each player in the card acquiring value chain!

Day 1 will be dominated by the strategic discussions bringing light into the evolution of the card acquiring industry and compliance. Following days will be more practical, helping acquirers measure the profitability of the acquiring business, improve pricing strategies and sales techniques. Presentations delivered by adidas, Galacoral, Post Office and KLM will guide acquirers towards more merchant-facing business models. Special tracks devoted to PCI DSS, fraud, e-commerce and innovations in payments aim at the exchange of merchants’ case studies and challenges with project implementation.

The programme highlights of the 2nd annual will include:

  • Strategies for growth, more effective distribution and management of high risk merchants
  • Selling & managing pan-European acquiring business for Merchants
  • Effective management of compliance: SEPA, PSD, PCI DSS, EMV
  • E-commerce: 3D Secure and fraud
  • Innovations: Alternative payments, contactless and mobile, VAS at POS and ATM
  • New types of partnerships: JV and M&As
  • Interbank processors: In a wider SEPA context

Speakers include senior representatives from METRO AG, adidas AG, Gala Coral, &, Easy Computers, Post Office Ltd., La Caixa, Santander, Wirecard Bank AG, Yapi Kredi, Akbank, Deutsche Bank, Nordea, Deutsche Card Services, First Annapolis Consulting, PSE Consulting, EPCI, TSYS, Groupement de Cartes Bancaires, Euronet Worldwide and many more.

The programme will focus on interactivity and discussion. Therefore, there will be shorter presentations, more roundtable discussions, more networking opportunities and social programme.

For more info
E- mail:
Call: +421 376 969 211



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