Advanced Bank Analysis 2011
Evaluating Complex Financial Statements
Time: 3-4 October 2011
Venue: London, United Kingdom
A two-day advanced case study based workshop which drills down into the financial statements of banks and securities companies in order to identify and quantify the risks of more complex business lines.
- Recognise how and the extent to which more complex banking businesses are reflected in the balance sheet and how the risk profile is evidenced in the income statement
- Identify and quantify exposures where all or part of the exposure is off-balance sheet, including derivatives and structured finance vehicles
- Understand how the new accounting and reporting conventions under both US GAAP and IFRS impact differently the financial statements of banks and investment banks
- Use the information provided to evaluate the bank's risk profile and appetite
- Recognise best practice in financial reporting, including new GAAP / IFRS requirements and Basel II Pillar III disclosures
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