5th ECB Conference on Statistics on "Central Bank statistics: What did the financial crisis change"

Time: 22-23 April 2010
Venue: Jean-Claude Trichet, President, European Central Bank

Day 1: 22 April 2010

Session 1:
  • What is new in the demand for ESCB statistics, for financial stability and macro-prudential purposes?
    Chair: Nout Wellink, President, De Nederlandsche Bank, and Chairman, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
  • New demands for central bank statistics in macro-prudential policy analysis
    Lucas D. Papademos, Vice-President, European Central Bank
  • The new EU framework for macro-prudential oversight: what information is needed and how can they ensure it reaches the ESRB in the most efficient way?
    Jörgen Holmquist, Director General, Internal Market and Services, European Commission
  • Discussant: Christian Noyer, Governor, Banque de France

Session 2:

  • Central banks’ statistical initiatives to meet new challenges
    Chair: George Provopoulos, Governor, Bank of Greece
  • Changes in reporting, data collection and decision-support systems
    Marko Kranjec, Governor, Banka Slovenije
  • Macro-prudential and financial stability statistics to improve financial analysis of exposures and risk transfers
    Peter Praet, Chairman, ESCB Banking Supervision Committee and Executive Director, Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique
  • Discussant: Manuel Marfán, Member of the Board, Central Bank of Chile, and Chairman, Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics

Day 2: 23 April 2010

Session 3:

  • G-20 initiatives on financial statistics: the way forward Chair: Otmar Issing, President, Center for Financial Studies, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt
  • What are the data requirements of a global risk map or early warning system?
    Stephen Cecchetti, Economic Adviser, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements
  • Financial statistics in the crisis: what did they get right, what did they miss and how should they change?
    Donald L. Kohn, Vice Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Michael Palumbo and Matthew J. Eichner, Deputy Associate Directors, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board
  • Discussant: Vítor Constâncio, Governor, Banco de Portugal

Session 4:

  • The role of statistics in central bank communication Chair: Steven Keuning, Director General Human Resources, Budget and Organisation, European Central Bank
  • Communicating central bank statistics to the general public
    Wolfgang Duchatczek, Vice Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
  • Talking numbers: central bank communications on monetary policy and financial stability
    Dr Petra Geraats, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
  • Discussants: François Lenglet, La Tribune Elga Bartsch, Morgan Stanley

For more info http://www.ecb.int/...



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