Bank DnB NORD Polska S.A.

Address: ul. Postepu 15C, 02 - 676 Warsaw, Poland.
Telephone: +48 22 524 10 00
Fax: +48 22 524 10 01


Bank's Profile:

  • Bank DnB NORD Polska started business activity in April 2002 and
  • In November 2007 DnB NORD merged with BISE Bank - which has 17-years tradition on Polish banking market.
  • DnB NORD is a dynamically developing bank. After merger with BISE it is universal bank, providing services for individual clients and corporates.
  • For its foreign, corporate clients - the bank has dedicated offer, professional advice and the highest quality of operation.
  • The bank’s main sphere of activity for corporates includes financing investment projects and the current operation of companies. The focus here is short- and medium-term financing and structured long-term financing adjusted to the needs of individual customers. The Bank also finances foreign trade operations, provides banking services to companies, and organises large credit syndicates. Beside financing, the Bank offers a modern online banking system NORD NET as well as hedging instruments for protecting against exchange rate and interest rate risks.
  • The Bank endeavours to be its customers’ adviser and partner instead of merely supplying banking products.

In the process of long-term developement, Bank DnB NORD Polska is taking particular care in the Bank's mission, strategic vision and the values.

The Vision

Bank DnB NORD Polska wants to be in the 15th biggest Bank in Poland. Bank DnB NORD Polska wants to be recognized as a dynamic, professional, solid Bank with a clear corporate culture.


Bank DnB NORD Polska offers high quality, modern, individualized range of specialized financial products and services, enabling high and efficient growth of customer business. They take challenges as chances. They are partners for their clients focusing on mutually beneficial relationship leading to increased competitive position of their clients on the market and resulting in successful execution of their business strategies.


  • Dynamics: They act professionally, effectively and quickly
  • Reliability: They build their bank on Trust and Fairness
  • Team spirit: They believe, together they are strong
  • Simplicity: They know that simple solutions are better than complicated structures



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR