Jyske Bank

Address: Jyske Bank, Vestergade 8-16, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
Telephone: +45 89 89 89 89
Fax: +45 89 22 24 96
Email: jyskebank@jyskebank.dk
Website: http://www.jyskebank.dk


Jyske Bank A/S is a major Danish bank.

Jyske Bank is number three in Denmark in terms of share of the Danish banking market (approx. 7 %), it is the second-largest bank to be listed on Copenhagen Stock Exchange, and it is the largest bank in Denmark to be headquartered outside Copenhagen.

Jyske Bank A/S (the Bank) is a Denmark-based commercial bank. It is engaged in the provision of banking and financial services to private and small and medium-sized corporate customers. Its deposit products include pooled deposits. The Bank’s services for private customers include savings accounts, card services, loans, mortgages, pensions, as well as car, travel and household insurance. It also offers payment mediation, business accounts, investment and risk management, as well as advisory services to its corporate clients. In addition, the Bank provides asset management and investment fund services for investors. Jyske Bank A/S operates through 119 branches in Denmark, as well as through a number of subsidiaries and associated companies in such countries as Denmark, Switzerland, Gibraltar, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Jyske Bank is an independent bank owned by more than 245,000 shareholders by the end of 2006. No single shareholder has a controlling interest, and voting rights are restricted to a maximum 2,000 votes per shareholder, which helps to ensure the Bank's continued independence.

Being open and honest is one of the core values of the Jyske Bank Group. Traditionally, at Jyske Bank they formulate and communicate their values - and the way they understand and live by them - to the surrounding world. This offers their shareholders, customers and employees better opportunities of assessing Jyske Bank as an investment object, a business partner and an employer.

Jyske Bank's organisation is flat and de-centralised. All their branches operate separately within known policies and goals, and delegation of responsibility is their hallmark, also within individual branches.

Jyske Bank grants its employees the powers required to make decisions on a day-to-day basis. It takes at most two persons to make a decision: the customer-serving employee may make an application direct to a person holding the necessary authority.

Jyske Bank practices value-based management. This means that as many specific rules as possible have been replaced with principles and guidelines, within which employees can work independently.



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Currency EUR 2025-03-13

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  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975