Forstaedernes Bank A/S

Address: Kalvebod Brygge 47, Copenhagen, 1560 Denmark.
Telephone: +45 33 52 52 52
Fax: +45 33 52 52 53


Forstædernes Bank A/S (Suburbs Banking) is a business consultancy focused on business, investment, pension and property advice. This is the bank's competitiveness.

They are investing strategically in three areas, to enable the Bank to the suburbs the best choice and to ensure its continued growth:

  • Quality of advice
  • Relevant skills in all the advice
  • Large networks

Customers meetings decentralized professional skills in all centers in

  • this is a bullet Business
  • this is a bullet Property advice
  • this is a bullet Investments
  • this is a bullet Pensions

The goal is a larger market share in all four areas.

The Bank has opted for traditional packaging business. Cashier functions are replaced by machines.

In 1902 established Forstædernes Bank A/S (suburbs Bank) of lawyer Alfred Sorensen in Glostrup. Even years after the bank expands with two new branches in Bangalore and Ballerup. Over 60s expanding bank with seven branches. As the opening of shopping centers, moving departments into the new center.

In the 1980s, closing branches at Vestegnen old and new opened in Søborg, Hvidovre, Copenhagen and Amager. In late 90s opened a large number of departments, north of Copenhagen, and Alfred Sørensens vision that enclose the entire capital city with a network of branches, are met.

Bank switching strategy and subsequent rates of advice to small and medium business customers and individuals with some wealth. Box Features closed and the bank becomes an advisory bank.

Towards a financial center
After several years of substantial growth are looking for the bank from the country's financial center and move in November 2005 from its headquarters in Glostrup Kalvebod Brygge, at the port of Copenhagen. The year after expanding the bank for the first time outside the Capital Region with a counseling center in Aarhus.

By fiscal crisis began in 2008 chose the suburbs Bank to seek financial refuge and abandon the ownership independence. Nykredit Group buys Bank suburbs because suburbs Bank fits strategically with the Nykredit alia customer focus, technical skills, market area and network of branches.

Forstædernes Bank A/S (Suburbs Bank) customers should be natural choice when is about getting the most competent and personal advice in business, investment, pension and housing.

They believe they can achieve this vision through their behavior. A behavior that is expressed in everyday life and is guided by its mission statement with its strong values.

They are accessible and provide a quality of character advice. They do this by being present, informal, energetic and entrepreneurial. They must differentiate theirselves from competitors, be aware of their market and have a clear vision which strengthens their focus. Both with theirselves and with all their stakeholders.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975