Basisbank A/S

Address: Amaliegade 5C, 1256 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Telephone: +45 70 22 09 29
Fax: +45 70 22 07 27


Basis Bank they focus exclusively on providing their customers the best service, high quality advice and prices that are among the most attractive on the market. That is possible because they have moved away from the traditional way of thinking bank.

The dream of a different bank
Behind the story of Basis Bank hiding a dream of creating a different bank. A single, accessible and affordable alternative to traditional banks. The result was a bank based on Internet technology and advice of high quality. Since the Basic Bank went live on 4 September 2000, they were Denmark's first independent internet.

Rapid development in product and service
Initially offered only basic bank card account and credit. Today, they offer all the products and services you would expect to find in a bank. their customers can bring all their banking with us - from loans and savings to investment, mortgages and pensions. The goal has always been to combine attractive prices with the accessibility and personal advice of high quality.

A solid foundation
Basis Bank is part of Proark group, including include I / S EjendomsInvest, Proark Golf A / S and a part of the Bella Center. They have a solid foundation and can, through the exciting group jointly provide their customers with some unique advantages.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975