Hellenic Bank

Address: Stasinou Ave 1, Freedom Square, Mitsi Mansion, No. 3, CC 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 22 743843
Email: suggestionsandcomplaints@hellenicbank.com
Website: http://www.hellenicbank.com/



To evolve dynamically while preserving its human perspective.


  • Individual Initiative

Hellenic Bank are developing a professional framework that promotes and utilizes diverse personalities and their respective capacities for initiative.

Hellenic Bank recognizes that each person is unique. They respect the individual personalities that make up their staff. Their aim is to foster a professional framework that will promote and develop all the diverse personalities and the power of their initiatives. Thus, individuality strengthens their common efforts. In this same way, they approach their customers offering options tailored for every distinct personality.

  • Teamwork Teamwork

They are combining our strengths, technical know how and personalities and directing them towards common goals.

Teamwork is a great strength that coexists with individual initiative. For them, teamwork means joining forces, qualities and personalities and directing them towards a common goal. This necessitates that they be open to all points of view and to utilize specialist knowhow and individual initiative towards the attainment of collective efforts. With teamwork, the separate links are 'connected' together, thus multiplying their effectiveness. They also approach their customers with team spirit, thus reinforcing their services by continuously covering more of their needs.

  • Reliability Reliability

Reliability is the basis for a relationship of mutual trust among their members of staff and towards their customers.

The credibility of individual and collective actions is their major investment.  Reliability is the basis for building a relationship of trust both among their staff and towards their customers. The strongest relationships are those built on trust, which are not ephemeral but long-term. For this reason they do not take their reliability for granted but they validate it on a daily basis.

  • Integrity Integrity

Integrity is a timeless value that ascribes stability, assuredness and transparency within their development framework.

Integrity and commitment to moral values is of fundamental importance in order to win the reliability battle. In times of intense competition and domination of material priorities, the people of Hellenic Bank are committed to traditional and timeless values. Through these values they achieve stability, assurance and transparency through time, thus forming the framework of their development.

  • Communication Communication

Modern communication with their staff and their clients strengthens their team work and supports the ties with their customers.

Today, more than ever before, they live in the era of communication. For Hellenic Bank staff, communication acts as a lever for strengthening their bonds and therefore their team spirit.  As they share knowledge, experiences and messages, they become more credible towards the society they live in.  Their image as an evolving friendly bank is a result of their ability to communicate humanely and effectively in a modern fashion with the customers.

  • Social Awareness

A friendly and humane bank is socially sensitive, putting into action programmes of multifaceted corporate responsibility.

Hellenic Bank is a humane bank; as such it gives priority to the value of corporate responsibility. This is part of their philosophy and our mission. They believe that further from the financial field there is the social one, both bonded together. Thus, they set goals of multifaceted social contribution supporting their country and people.

Terms and Conditions

Although the Hellenic Bank Public Company Ltd has made every effort to provide accurate and timely information, the contents of this site may not be valid, duly completed or updated, and may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  The information published on this site is for convenience of visitors to this and provided for information purposes only. And decisions taken based on information provided in this site are taken by their purely at your own risk. The Hellenic Bank will not be considered in any way responsible for Compensations people / organizations that use the contents of this site for damage and / or loss and / or expenses incurred in such person / body as a result of the use of this content.


  • Foreign Currency
    • Charges
    • Card Charges
  • Computers
    • Calculators Installment
    • Computer Car Finance
    • Finance Calculators
  • Electronic Banking
    • Personal Hellenic NetBanking
    • Business Hellenic Netbanking

Shareholder Information

The shareholders may apply to the Shares & Bonds Registry with any queries concerning dividends and interest of securities and bonds.

  • Address: Corner Limassol Avenue & Athalassa Avenue
    1st floor, 2025 Strovolos
    PO Box 24747, 1394 Nicosia
  • Telephone: +357 22 500 647-51
  • Fax: +357 22 500 065
  • Email: shares@hellenicbank.com

Investor Relations

Institutional investors, brokers and stock analysts may apply to the Investor Relations Service for information regarding the Company's financial achievements and prospects. They can also apply for copies of the Group's annual reports in Greek and English.

  • Address: Corner Limassol Avenue & Athalassa Avenue,
    5th floor, 2025 Strovolos
    PO Box 24747, 1394 Nicosia
  • Telephone: +357 22 500 760
  • Fax: +357 22 500 077
  • Email: investorrelations@hellenicbank.com


  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 9.30 pm



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975