Jadranska banka d.d.

Address: Ante Starcevica 4, Sibenik, 22000, Croatia
Telephone: 385 22 242 242, 385 22 242 101, 385 22 242 198
Fax: 385 22 331 798, 385 22 335 881
Email: banka@jadranska-banka.hr
Website: http://www.jadranska-banka.hr/


Jadranska banka d.d. Sibenik is a strong financial institution with a long tradition in the Croatian banking sector. Its services are used by over 80.000 citizens and 3.500 legal subjects at 19 branch-offices.

On the Croatian market, they operate as a bank specialized for the following services:

  1. operations with citizens
  2. operations with small entrepreneurs and craftsmen
  3. operations with business entities

The task and vision of the Bank, apart from continuous growth, is  to be a bank that is especially significant to customers on account of its large palette of banking products and services that are placed  through a network of usual mobile channels of distribution placed to customers in an efficient banking way.

It was established on 17 April,1957 as  Komunalna banka, Sibenik.  In the past half-century period it changed its legal form several times and was realigned with laws regulating business banking. Since 1989, it has been operating as Jadranska banka, a joint-stock company.

During its long operating and existing, the Bank significantly contributed to the economic and social development of the City of Šibenik as well as to the whole area of County Šibenik-Knin. Hardly has there ever been a significant investment project to the realization of which the Bank did not participate, starting from the construction of : tourist settlements, marinas and small ports, industrial capacities, sea and land transport, commerce to various cultural, sporting and other infrastructure facilities. Thus, it is rightly considered to be the county home bank. It more than justified that role in the most difficult time period since its foundation, i.e. from 1991 to 1995 when the modern Croatian state was created and founded . By operating in an area that was hardly destroyed in the war,  the main financial support to economic entities and citizens was provided exclusively by this Bank. So,  it enabled them to survive in the most difficult but, at the same time,  most glorious times of Croatian history.

As a financial institution operating in the County area, the Bank enjoys high respect of its customers. It will know how to preserve a reputation of a reliable and secure business partner in the forthcoming period by providing  high quality and advanced banking products and services. With 220 employees and a widely spread network of  19 branch- offices in the city and a wider county area, it manages all lending and depositing operations for companies and other legal persons. Since 1970, by opening a branch-office in Zagreb,  the Bank has been represented in the capital of the Republic of Croatia.

The Bank performs all kinds of kuna and foreign currency operations in the country. Following the obtaining  of the so-called big foreign exchange license in 1991, it has been widening lending-guarantee operations as well as payment transactions with foreign countries. Today, it holds correspondent relationships with numerous banks worldwide as well as open foreign currency accounts with over 20 banks abroad through which it manages most complicated banking operations.

By establishing a network of its own ATMs, with developed card operations and by introducing electronic banking, it brought closer the quality of  its service to the best banking standards of the world.

Their vision arises out of a long standing tradition and successful performing banking and other financial operations.

They will upgrade their future operations with their customers- citizens and legal persons- on sound bases of mutual respect.

At the centre of their attention has always been and will remain the prosperity of their customers, first of all, reinforcing  their financial strength in order to realize their mutual goal: overall economic development.

Their financial and human resources will always be at the disposal of their customers, they know and understand each other best.

Security and stability, always confirmed by them, as well as capability and readiness to adopt the most advanced banking technologies give them a  right to consider theirselves a respectable factor in the Croatian banking market.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975