Rijeka-based Kvarner banka was renamed into BKS banka, to fit in the bank's expansion strategy, the sharholders decided. Austrian owners Bank rur Karnten und Steiermark Bank said business would be brought to a higher level.
During its current development of the Bank by the end of 2003. years had its headquarters in leased premises, so that in December 2003. The headquarters and all operations moved to acquire appropriate and adapted representative building in the center of most rivers, the mljekarskom square.
The Bank is generally employs qualified personnel from the former Rijecka Bank (now & Steiermaerkische of Erste Bank), and is largely used by the organization, procedures and support Rijecka Bank.
On the day of 30.04.2005. Kvarner Bank employs 33 workers, mostly high school graduates.
The whole time of its existence, Kvarner Bank has successfully operated continuously increasing their potential, achieving earnings and dividend isplaćujući its shareholders. Another feature of business is a very high degree of conservative and security in business and the development of the Bank. The consequence of this business philosophy is very low losses due to business risks, on the one hand, and realized maybe too low growth rates and market share, on the other side.
The Bank today, as well as at the beginning of work, functions as a universal bank, is oriented to small and medium businesses (sole traders and society), to a lesser extent on citizens. Special group of clients consists of co-building and local governments and utilities.
The Bank possesses the authority to perform all types of basic banking operations.
In mid-2004. The decision was adopted by the new organization of the Bank and the Bank's development strategy until 2008.
Implementation of the new organization under the current model in Europe, the Bank is to be further closer to the client, giving him a broader range of products with the highest quality standards, maintaining high efficiency, productivity and ekspeditivnost with an acceptable level of risk.
Development strategy is defined accelerated growth and development, expansion of operations to other areas outside of Croatia, for the domestic market of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and neighboring counties, the introduction of new products and distribution channels, the conclusion of arrangements with strategic partners.