Bank Forgery Inc. (Banka Kovanica dd) belongs to a group of smaller banks, which uspijela overcome all the transformation the banking market and achieve the performance requirements for the banking sector as part of the so-called big powers. In accordance with the development, the Bank has listed its banking market to competition offers intended natural and legal persons.
The Bank began its work in 1997 and the initial small teams, and today has over one hundred employees in 20 branches across the whole of Croatia.
Since May 2007 The Bank Forgery dd majority owned Cassa di Risparmio della Reppublica di San Marino, the most of a state bank, with 125-year-long banking tradition.
The Development Bank plans coin Inc. in the coming period include the improvement of services, expansion of product offer in the sectors of the economy and the citizenry, the further development of business networks, and the entrance to the round of 15 leading banks, Croatia.
In accordance with the change of ownership, the Bank Forgery Inc. is preparing for the coming period, the implementation of the entire rebrandinga order in Croatia stretcher and presented the name of the Group and its majority owner.