Emporiki Bank - Bulgaria EAD was founded in 1994 under the name Bulgarian Investment Bank by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and a group of Bulgarian banks and other shareholders. In 1998 Emporiki Bank of Greece acquired the majority of shares of Emporiki Bank - Bulgaria, and since 2003 holds 100% of shares. In 2007 the French Crédit Agricole Group acquired the majority of shares of Emporiki Bank of Greece.
Emporiki Bank – Bulgaria EAD is granted a full banking license. The Bank is a member of the Association of Commercial Bank in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Stock Exchange, Confederation of the Employers and the Industrialists in Bulgaria, Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria, French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria .
Emporiki Bank – Bulgaria is a universal bank with the following general business lines:
The Bank is also a licensed Investment intermediary performing activities in compliance with MiFID.