NBC Bank

Address: NBC Bank, Shain Mustafaev.str. 27/121, Baku, AZ1033, Azerbaijan.
Telephone: +99 412 514 01 16, +99 412 514 01 17
Fax: +99 412 566 94 78
Email: info@nbcbank.az
Website: http://www.nbcbank.az


During the period of foundation of the independency of Azerbaijan, there was founded the bank "Ruzu" in order to raise the welfare of people. The Commercial Bank "Ruzu" established on December 17, 1992 passed the state registration as the Joint-Stock Commercial bank by the National Bank of Azerbaijan with the documents No: 25 and since December 30, 1992 is carrying out the bank operations according to the license No: 112.

The Commercial bank "Ruzu" being benefited by the independency of Azerbaijan, changing its name and the organizational-legal form from January 24, 2002 extended its activity in the bank sector as the Commercial bank  "NBCBank".

In the rapid extending world economy, Azerbaijan economy sectors occupies an important place. In the field of bank, as in all sectors the growth is inevitable. For this purpose, the Commercial Bank "NBCBank", upon making corresponding change in its organizational-legal form on 7 April 2005, with the purpose of establishing its activity in more wide sector and to conform it to the requirements of the effective legislation transformed to the Open Joint-Stock Company.

Presently, the foreign audit of the Open Joint-Stock Company "NBCBank" is carried out by the international Audit Company "Delloitte & Touche " LTD, known sufficiently both in their republic and abroad.

From the first day of the creation, OJSC "NBC Bank ", being the universal credit organization, has established attitudes with the clients, being based on principles of equal rights cooperation, mutual support and full confidence.

Being one of the constantly developing banks of Azerbaijan, OJSC "NBC Bank" differs from other banks with its high standard of service, a reasonable tariff policy, being stimulating force for business. OJSC "NBC Bank" takes strong positions in bank sector, and today has a network of foreign correspondent and local branches which allow it to execute all requirements of clients on the most effective method.

Applying last achievements of technology "NBC Bank" is in a condition to provide the clients with fast and qualitative services. Today OJSC "NBC Bank" offers the clients cash services, exchange and all kinds of the documentary transaction (the letter of credit of the account, savings, bank guarantees, etc.), crediting, services of savings, plastic cards, services of banker's checks, consulting services, actions with securities and a wide range of some other services. The bank also successfully continues its activity in a direction of attraction and accommodation of money resources in the interbank credit market. "NBC Bank" involves clients with such qualities, as operative, individual approach, the reasonable tariff and convenient accommodation. Strategy of expansion of a network of branches serves this purpose. "NBC Bank", having authorized capital in the sum of 10,649 million AZN, now owns the cumulative capital equal to 11,318 million AZN.

Mission of "NBC Bank" consists in development of attitudes with clients, help to fine and average business, maintenance of economy with bank products and services of the international quality, protection of human resources.

Business-plan of OJSC "NBC Bank" includes in itself financing of all sectors of Azerbaijan. From this point of view the Bank pays attention to attitudes with the international financial structures and institutes by means of active communications. Today "NBC Bank" has correspondent attitudes with "VTB", "AkBank", "Raiffesien ZentralBank Osterreich", "AIZKRAUKLES BANKA" and " BANK AUSTRIA CREDITANSALT". "NBC Bank" continues to establish the mutual attitudes with clients on principles of long-term, useful cooperation.

"NBC bank" in the future will remain the trustworthy partner and the reliable friend for its clients!

Strategy and mission

To be devoted towards the mission:

  • They are devoted to their work. They do their best to realise the bank's mission.


  • They observe the principles and norms of the international law approved and recognized by all persons, the effective legislation of Azerbaijan Republic, the Articles of Association of the Bank, the provisions of this Code, the other internal documents of the Bank, as well as its business traditions.

Social justice:

  • They aspire for reaching the social justice.

Respect to the honour and dignity of a person:

  • They treat all persons' rights and freedoms with deep respect not depending on their national, religious and legal status. To observe these principles implies their key values.


  • They carry out all operations related to the rendering of services to the clients conscientiously, timely and with high level. They aspire for improvement and innovation. They are looking for new ways, means and possibilities for reaching the more effective work in the bank.


  • They establish their relations with the clients on the basis of mutual consent, believe, mutual assistance and cooperative solidarity. They exchange their professional knowledge and practical experience with the clients.


  • They are resting on the transparent and open policy in the activity. They do their utmost to mobilize the open information concerning the activity of the bank from all possible sources – the press conferences, the business meetings, published issues, TV and the Internet. They establish their relations with the business partners and the representatives of the state authorities on the basis of principles of equality and in the open environment.


  • They do their best and carry out all possible arrangements in order to prevent the illegal actions by the third parties as regards the Bank, the shareholders and the Bank's employees, the state and the world union.


  • They are liable before the shareholders for the results of our activity and before the clients for the quality of the rendered services and before the business partners for implementation of our obligations in duly manner and before the society and community, as well as the state for respecting the human rights and freedoms and for making contributions to the Azerbaijani economy.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975