"Gunay Bank" Joint Stock Bank was duly registered by the National bank of Azerbaijan Republic on April 30th, 1992, and is now performing all existing transactions and providing full banking services to individuals and institutions. It has a large net-work including Europe and the CIS countries. Establishing correspondent relations with the world's leading banks, "Gunay Bank" associated with the International Banking System. Gunay Bank enables legal persons and private individuals to act on the international scene by providing them with loans both for import & export transactions for various branches of the economy.
The Bank has correspondent accounts with the reliable financial institutions such as: "Commerz Bank" (Frankfurt Main), Lloyds TSB Bank (London), the Turkey Ish Bankasi (Istanbul), European Trust Bank (Moscow). The operations with the foreign financial institutions are con-ducted to the international bank standards and within the framework of the laws of Azerbaijan Republic.
Capital of the Bank. As of October 1, 2008 the authorized capital stock of "GunayBank" JSB formed by assets of 9 person's equaled 10892 thousand manats. The Bank total capital is equal 10343.62 thousand manats.