
Address: 14/16, Khagani st., Baku, AZ1000, Azerbaijan.
Telephone: +994 12 498 11 57, 498 11 64
Fax: +994 12 498 11 47


CB "Deka-Bank" has begun its activity in 1989, as a cooperative bank. It’s one of the first privatization banks in Azerbaijan. At that time in Azerbaijan, cooperative activity was extended as well as in all territory of USSR and CB "Deka-Bank" has been created for rendering services to various cooperative societies. After the disintegration of Soviet Union, the bank continues to render services legal, and also to physical persons on the basis of the certificate N68. In December, 9th, 1992, CB "Deka-Bank" is reregistered by National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic.

In praesenti, the Bank makes the hereunder services as pay-desk-account, credit, deposit, plastic card and payments of currency to any point of the world. The basic direction of the bank’s activity is credits giving. The bank had moved to the system of universal finance payments (S.W.I.F.T.-DEKBAZ22) in 2001 year as gaining proper equipment in order perfection of the service methods and joining to new technologies.

The bank accepts money repayments and pays to any point of the world by world analogue Western Union system and to CIS states by MIGOM system for a short period in the scope of the service to natural persons.

DekaBank, become one of the advanced banks of Azerbaijan, was strengthened technical and financial foundation in the result of its activity for 14 years. Bank had increased the charter capital to 7.4 mln manats by the 1st of January 2007 and will culminate 10 mln mantas by the July, 1st, 2007.

In March 2003, PC “CB DekaBank” has taken part in a number of banks, as a member of the commission in the help of delivery of credits to businessmen, in National Fund of the Help to Businessmen at the Ministry of Economic Development. In this time, bank has given out credits for a total sum 35 million manats to 185 businessmen in 15 areas of the country only on the account of fund of businessmen. Bank has given out credits to the population and businessmen of various zones on the got accounts from additional resources also. By the July, 1st, 2007, credit accommodation of bank has reached 15788 mln manats. The general credit accommodation on a share of the privatized enterprises has made 59 %, and 41 % it was on a share of physical persons. In a private sector, 94 % of credits it has been directed on sphere of trade and services, and 6 % have been directed on economy of the rural enterprises. Thus, in the past to year, the source of the basic income of bank has made 66 % from arrivals and 34 % from services. In 2006, the profit of bank has made 574 mln manats.

The Bank has got constant customer base. They are acting in different field of owner, agriculture, typography services, and the distributors of the advanced automobile companies, industrial (tomato paste, ice-cream, washing matters and etc.) companies, travel, construction, transportation, communication companies, scientific-research offices, Baku Works of Computer Techniques, and others big companies.



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  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975