VTB Bank (Austria) AG

Address: A-1010 Wien, Parkring 6, Postfach 560, Wien, Austria
Telephone: (431) 515-35-226
Fax: (431) 515-35-316
Email: general@vtb-bank.at
Website: http://www.vtb.ru/rus/web.html?l=110


The Bank was founded in 1974. VTB Bank (Austria) AG is the parent bank for operating VTB subsidiaries (VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG and VTB Bank (France) SA) located in continental Europe. The Bank focuses on services for large and medium corporate customers in Russia and the CIS, performing structured trade finance operations, documentary operations, and participating in syndicated lending.

VTB Bank (Austria) AG provides financial services to corporate customers and financial institutions in Russia, selected countries of the CIS and CEE.

VTB Bank (Austria) AG has core competencies in:

  • structured trade finance
  • emerging markets bond portfolio management and trading
  • innovative products such as CDS and CDOs
  • structuring and syndicating of loans for Russian / CIS clients
  • knowledge of Russia and CIS markets



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975