Kommunalkredit Depotbank AG
Address: Tuerkenstrasse 9, 1092 Vienna, Austria.
Telephone: +43 1 31631-0
Fax: +43 1 31631-105
Email: office@kdb.at
Website: http://www.kdb.at/
Kommunalkredit has the focus to financing public infrastructure investments in Austria and abroad, management services for public clients (via the Kommunalkredit Public Consulting), the treasury and investments.
Their strengths:
- modern, proven system with high reliability and accuracy
- long experience and high commitment
- sector-neutral and independent
- 100% customer protection
- excellent credit ratings (Kommunalkredit Group Aa3 rating)
- high flexibility and customization to customer needs
- lean corporate structures
They offer the following services:
- Management of fund accounts and deposits
- Settlement of transactions
- Safekeeping and administration of assets
- Border test
- Calculation and publication of prices
- Issuance and redemption of units
- Perception of the legal reporting