
Address: 17 Tumanyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia
Telephone: (374 10) 510-510
Fax: (374 10) 510-573


"InecoBank" CJSC was registered on February 7, 1996 (banking license number 68 issued by the Central Bank of Armenia).

The Bank currently has seven branches: Koryun, Abovyan 18, Arabkir, /in Yerevan/, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Hrazdan and Armavir.

InecoBank is active in the following areas:

  • General Account Servicing
  • Commercial lending
  • Consumer Credits
  • Guarantees and letters of credit
  • Deposits
  • Issuing and servicing payment cards
  • Trading in gold bullion standards; and
  • Guarantees, letters of credit and so on.

The bank sets an annual plan for each financial year, which is composed of the bank's annual budget and work plan. Bank's annual plan is based on the long-run development plan. Together with the annual plan, the Board of the Bank sets the following:

  • The main measures according to which the Bank's plan will be considered as accomplished, partially accomplished or overaccomplished
  • Explainable limits of budget fluctuations
  • Bank employees' motivation principles based on the Annual plan accomplishment.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-03-13

  • usd USD 1.0830
  • jpy JPY 160.64
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.093
  • dkk DKK 7.4605
  • gbp GBP 0.83778
  • huf HUF 400.28
  • pln PLN 4.1965
  • ron RON 4.9775
  • sek SEK 11.0700
  • chf CHF 0.9579
  • nok NOK 11.5975